Welcome to St James

Welcome to St James. We are a vibrant Anglican church in Coventry with a heart to make committed followers of Jesus who bring transformation to our community, city and beyond. If you are interested in finding a lively, friendly, welcoming community, we could be the place for you. 

At St James we are entering an exciting new season where we are seeking to enter into all that God has for us corporately and as individuals. We want to pursue all that God has in store for us. Collectively we came up with this shared vision that shapes what we are seeking to become together (you can listen to our latest vision talk here from March 19th).

This vision directs how we spend our money, make decisions and use our time. To find out more you could look at some of our faces, listen to recent talks, download our newsletter, or contact us but probably the best way is to show up on a Sunday and meet some of us properly. Then there are lots of ways to join in and be part of what God is doing here.

Next Welcome Evening…

If you are new to St James, please come and join us at our next Welcome Evening. This is an opportunity for people who are new to St James to meet the vicar, others who are involved in the church and to hear about the vision of the church. If you are interest in coming to the next Welcome evening please contact the church office by clicking here.

Our Values

These values are key to who we are as a church community as we seek to be a community of committed followers of Jesus.

Bible Centred

Growing in truth, being passionate for God’s word and its application today.

Spirit Led 

Listening and responding to the Spirit’s leading - seeking intimacy in his presence and expecting him to work in and through us.


Prayer is foundational to how we connect with God, expressing our passion and sharing our innermost thoughts with him  

Generous Welcome (Hospitality) 

Providing a warm, friendly welcome where everyone is accepted and can find belonging 

Caring Family (fellowship) 

A loving, supportive and caring family as we grow in faith together with an openness and honesty about our weaknesses and struggles 

Ministering Together

Growing as individuals and community as we discover and use our gifts for each other and the wider community.