How can I give to the life of St James Styvechale?
If you would like to make a donation to St James there are three main ways you can do this.
1. Regular giving by standing order
You can give regularly by setting up a standing order with your bank. The bank details can be found below.
2. Regular giving by envelope
Some people like to give through our envelope scheme. We ask you to use a Giving Envelope with an allocated giving number so we are able to identify you for Gift Aid purposes. To arrange this, please email our treasurer Roger Graham. (Note – new applications to give this way have been suspended at this time.)
3. Debit/Credit card donation
You can give using your debit or credit card by following the link below to the St James Giving page at (Note - 3% of your giving is retained by to cover their administration). Please click here to make a donation.
4. One-off
If you would like to make a one-off donation you can make a one-off online banking payment (please see bank details below), make a cheque payable to 'St James Styvechale PCC' or make a cash donation in the collection at one of our Sunday Services.
Tax Efficient Giving
If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate of tax, you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing gift aid declaration if you have not done so already. The benefit to St James is that we can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given. in other words if you were to make a donation of £100 the church would receive £125 (If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return). Please download the Gift Aid Declaration Form.
Bank Details
If you would like to make a bank transfer our bank details are below:
Bank: HSBC
Account Name: St James Styvechale PCC
Account Number: 41132695
Sort Code: 40-18-38