Staff and Team Leaders

Josh (Vicar) and Ali MaynardEmail

Josh (Vicar) and Ali Maynard


Josh Grimwood - Curate

Barbara Carr - Lay Reader

Barbara Carr - Lay Reader

Steve Capitani - Safeguarding Officer

Emily Boxall - Maternity Admin Cover

Rebekah Cassar - Church Administrator

Rebekah Cassar - Church Administrator

(Currently on maternity leave from 20th February 2024)

Lesley Cross - Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Lesley Cross - Church Warden

Josh Lumwagi - Youth Worker

Carol Wheal - Admin Volunteer - Bookings & Communications

Roger Graham - Treasurer

Roger Graham - Treasurer

Rachel Hansford - Pastoral Care & Children, Youth and Families Team Leader

Rachel Hansford - Pastoral Care & Children, Youth and Families Team Leader

Alison Cullinane - Safer Recruitment Office

Jonathan Philp - Worship Co-ordinator