Bubbles and Baubles Christmas Craft night is on Friday 6th December from 7:00pm - 9:30pm in St James Church. 

This is always a great evening with Christmas refreshments, mulled wine and mince pies, and the chance to create some beautiful homemade Christmas crafts and gifts e.g. wreaths, baubles, angels, tree decorations and more. Come and join us!

£14 a ticket for adults if pre-booked (£15 if paying on the door). Under 18's are also welcome (secondary school age) and can come for half price £7.00. Please ensure they attend with a responsible adult as there will be alcohol served at this event. Non-alcoholic drinks will also be available.

We kindly request that you book in advance to help us plan for numbers as this year we do have a limit on numbers. It is possible that there may still be some spaces available for you to turn up and pay on the night (at a cost of £15) but prior booking is advised in case spaces run out! This is a very popular event! Look forward to seeing you there.

To sign up, please click on the events page or speak to Ali Maynard for more information.