There are three main options for giving to the church:

Regular giving by standing order

You can give on a regular basis (weekly or monthly) by setting up a Standing Order with your bank and letting us know by completing and returning this form to us. This can be done using online or telephone banking, or by completing some paperwork at your local branch. You will need our banking details which are on the forms you can download below. Giving in this way is entirely in your control - we cannot change the amount you give! This method works best for St James because in knowing our monthly income more accurately, we are able to plan effectively and spend wisely.

If you are a UK taxpayer, St James is able to make more of your giving through the government’s Gift Aid scheme, which means that for every £1 you give to us, we are able to reclaim 25p of tax. To register for this option, which makes a massive difference to us, simply complete the Gift Aid declaration form at the bottom of the page and return to the church office.

Regular giving by envelope

Some people do not have a regular weekly or monthly income and so prefer to give by envelope giving as they can. We ask you to use a Giving Envelope which the Church office can allocate to you for Gift Aid purposes.  To arrange this, please email the Church Office.

One-off gifts

We always welcome one-off gifts, which can be made through your bank using our banking details, in the standing order form below or by cheque/cash at a Sunday gathering, or by person or post to the church office. We do not recommend you send cash in the post.

Why should I give to St James?

St James relies heavily on the generosity of its members. Without this funding we would be unable to pursue the vision that God has for us. We believe that giving financially to our local church is a Biblical expression of commitment to it, and valid indicator of membership. Giving financially is part of the radical lifestyle which comes from following Jesus and being committed to His church.

What does St James do with the money you give?

We want to be a church of committed followers of Jesus who who seek to bring God’s transformation to our communities, Coventry and beyond.

We are working to support, equip and develop ministry and mission activities for all ages and every lifestage: from children to young people, to young adults and right up to the elderly. The money you give pays for all we do to achieve this. It pays for the ministry areas we run, the buildings and staff needed to facilitate these things happening, as well as our contribution to the Diocese of Coventry (our “parish share”) and any running costs we incur (lighting, photocopying etc).

We have to maintain our buildings, and fund systems and staff to support all we do, but we do all we can to keep these costs to a minimum so that as much as possible can be invested in our ministry areas.

We assign as much of our income as possible to our general fund, giving us the flexibility to be able to direct funds to where they are most needed.

How much should I give?

Giving is a very personal thing - it’s ultimately between you and God, and so as a church we are not prescriptive on this question. We believe that the Bible is clear that we are called to give generously and joyfully: “everyone should give what he or she has decided in his or her heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Tithing is an Old Testament model of giving which expected people to give 10% of their gross income to God (cf. Malachi 3:6-12). The New Testament, emphasises giving generously, obediently and at times sacrificially in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In practice, it may well be that God calls us to give more than 10%!

We do believe that it is right to give faithfully to the church that you are committed to, and that any other giving is additional to this (e.g. to mission agencies, local charities). Whilst you may not be a direct beneficiary of some aspects of the church’s life you are helping fund and invest in the wider church as an expression of commitment to its vision.

Who will know what I give?

Your giving is a private matter between you and God, and so we minimise how many people have access to what people give. We need to identify giving amounts for Gift Aid and audit purposes. Only a small group of people have access to the amount they give which includes the Church Treasurer and Gift Aid coordinator.

Are the church’s finances regulated?

Our accounts are independently audited and regulated by the Charity Commission. They are published annually around the time of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) - usually in March or April.

Got questions?

If you have any questions, do contact us.


St James Styvechale Gift Aid form

St James Styvechale Standing Order Form